Recent Updates (Updated on 02/10/2025)
02/10/2025: Our paper on AI for mental health in defense was cited in a UK Parliament report! Excited to continue exploring how we can develop technologies that responsibly integrate AI to support the mental health of service members.
02/04/2025: Linking a preprint on arXiv of our upcoming CHI paper on designing technologies that support value-based mental healthcare.
02/03/2025: Wrote a blog post on my summer work exploring how AI can support Medicare education. Grateful to the Public Interest Technology Initiative (PiTech) at Cornell Tech for the opportunity to collaborate with the Medicare Rights Center on this project.
01/17/2025: I’m excited that our paper on designing technologies for value-based mental healthcare was conditionally accepted to CHI 2025!
11/26/2024: Our paper on AI for mental health in defense was published by the RUSI journal. Online version linked.
11/21/2024: Our IMWUT paper, advocating for “actionable sensing” research in clinical mental healthcare – sensing research that supports clinical actions – is live on the ACM DL (and open access)! Check it out here.
11/11/2024: Our paper on AI for mental health in defense was accepted to the RUSI journal. Linking a preprint. Thanks to Stuart Middleton for leading this effort!
10/15/2024: Linking a preprint of my first-authored work, to be published in IMWUT. In the paper, we advocate for centering clinical actions in the development of passive sensing technologies for mental healthcare.
10/09/2024: Truly humbled to have been a finalist for the Gaetano Borriello outstanding student award at UbiComp 2024. Thank you to all my mentors, collaborators, and peers for your support over these years.
10/07/2024: Had a successful and productive UbiComp mental health workshop! Thank you to our co-organizers, authors of our 9 workshop papers, keynote speakers, and all of our attendees. Some photos from the workshop linked.
10/01/2024: On my way to UbiComp / ISWC 2024 in Melbourne! I’m excited to be co-leading the mental health workshop, and I’ll be participating in the doctoral colloquium.
09/23/2024: Our paper was accepted with minor revisions to IMWUT (ACM UbiComp journal). In the paper, we explored generalization challenges with ML/AI tools that aim to “detect” mental health with behavioral and physiological data. Our work motivates research on “actionable sensing”, as an alternative to detection research, studying how this data can support actions in clinical care.
08/26/2024: I will be an Associate Chair (AC) for the 2025 ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Health Subcommittee. I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s great submissions. It’ll be my first time AC’ing, so please email any tips 🙂
08/07/2024: I had a great time presenting my work on sensing technologies in mental heatlhcare at Northeastern University. Thank you to Varun Mishra and his lab for hosting me. It was great to have conversations with everyone in Varun’s lab and learn about their work!
06/25/2024: Excited to attend CHIL this week and present a spotlight doctoral symposium talk and poster on Friday at 3:30 PM.
06/16/2024: Will be attending HCIC this week; if you’re attending, please say hi! Would love to discuss research idea together.
06/03/2024: Excited to be awarded a Siegel PiTech PhD Impact Fellowship. With my fellowship, I’ll be working with the Medicare Rights Center to design AI technologies that help Medicare beneficiaries access healthcare.
05/20/2024: Our work on LLM’s in psychotherapy was presented at CHI and published on the ACM DL! Check it out here.
05/10/2024: Excited to once again co-lead the mental health workshop at this year’s UbiComp Conference in Melbourne, Australia. Please submit papers and attend the workshop (submission deadline June 7th)! More info here.
04/22/2024: Our work analyzing the reliability of AI tools using smartphone data to predict depression risk has been published. Check it out on npj mental health research, or at the linked PDF.
03/06/2024: Work (led by Angel Hwang) w/ Qian Yang and co. on human-AI interaction design when implementing pervasive sensing systems in mental healthcare has been accepted to the 2024 ACM CHI conference! Check out the accepted version, and the published version on the ACM DL.
02/29/2024: Congrats to Yuewen Yang and Thalia Viranda on the acceptance of their CHI late breaking work! In the study, we spoke with behavioral health clinicians to learn about how large language models (LLMs) can augment psychotherapy.
02/07/2024: Excited that our paper using algorithmic bias and fairness metrics to analyze the reliability of depression-AI tools was accepted to npj Mental Health Research.
10/08/2023: We had a successful UbiComp workshop on mental health. Big thanks to the co-organizers, and attendees for your engagement! Check out the workshop papers on the ACM DL, including our paper on data augmentation!
09/17/2023: I am looking to interview mental health clinicians for an IRB-approved study on how measurement-based care can be used in novel care quality monitoring programs. If you know any clinicians who would be interested in being interviewed, send me an email (dadler at!
08/21/2023: Excited to teach Cornell Tech’s Fall 2023 course on Precision Behavioral Health! This is my first time leading a graduate course. Email me if you have any tips 🙂
08/10/2023: Our qualitative research on mental health clinicians’ perceptions of digital health tracking tools has been published! The publication can be accessed for free from JMIR Formative Research.
07/06/2023: Our paper researching mental health clinicians’ perceptions and concerns with using sensed-behavioral data for clinical decision making was accepted by JMIR Formative Research. You can find the accepted version here.
06/26/2023: Our paper studying the use of data augmentation to improve machine learning models that predict mental health using sensed-behavioral data was accepted to the UbiComp Mental Health workshop. You can find the accepted paper here.
06/02/2023: Excited to co-lead the Ubiquitous Computing Mental Health workshop on October 8th in Cancún, Mexico! Our paper submission deadline was just extended until June 14th. More information linked.
04/23/2023: Attended the CHI workshop on “Bridging HCI and Implementation Science” in Hamburg, Germany!
03/28/2023: Preprint is out (linked) on our qualitative work to understand mental health clinicians’ views on using behavioral data for symptom measurement.
03/09/2023: Presented my work on studying the reliability of tools that use data to measure individual-level mental health outcomes at the Cornell Tech Digital Life Initiative seminar! Recording linked.
02/02/2023: Will be attending the Behavioral Health Next Summit at Cornell Tech from March 6-7th! Looks like a great speaker lineup. Information on the summit and registration here.
11/16/2022: Our CSCW presentation on workplace stress measurement technologies is on YouTube. Watch here.
11/11/2022: Our qualitative research on workplace stress measurement technologies has been published in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction! The publication can be accessed for free on the ACM Digital Library, or PubMed.
10/06/2022: Presented a virtual poster at the Nature Medicine in a Virtual Age conference! You can find the poster and corresponding papers here.
09/01/2022: Excited to be a Cornell Digital Life Initiative (DLI) PhD Fellow for the 2022-23 academic year! More information about DLI here.
07/26/2022: Excited to be on this year’s organizing committee for the “Mental Health: Sensing & Intervention” workshop at Ubicomp! See more information here about submitting to the workshop.
07/21/2022: Recent talk at The Alan Turing Institute on the reliability of mental health digital biomarkers up on YouTube (link).
07/18/2022: I will be attending Ubicomp to present our paper using wearable technology to measure stress-resilience (link). Hope to see you in Atlanta!
05/24/2022: Excited to be a program chair for KDD Health Day 2022! More information here.
05/21/2022: Our paper on using digital tools to measure resident physician stress has been accepted to be published at PACM HCI, the companion journal to the CSCW conference! The paper will be published in Fall 2022.
04/29/2022: I passed my A-exam and am now a PhD Candidate! My talk was titled “Psychometric Machine Learning”, and I spoke about using ideas from psychometrics to assess the reliability and validity of machine learning identified mental health digital biomarkers.
04/27/2022: New paper on the generalizability of mental health digital biomarkers published in PLOS ONE (link).
03/03/2022: New perspective on using open data to make mental health digital biomarkers more equitable published in BJPsych Open (link).